- 則次俊郎,井上隆志,佐々木大輔
- Toshiro Noritsugu,Daisuke Sasaki,Seiji Matsuo,Ikuo Kusunoki, Yuuki Mitsumine
Development of Medical Care Assist Bed using Pneumatic Planar Soft Actuator
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,14巻(6号),pp.547-556,2002年
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of Pneumatic Soft Robot Hand for a Human Friendly Robot
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,15巻(2号),pp. 164-171,2003年
- 佐々木大輔,則次俊郎,高岩昌弘
日本機械学会論文集(C編),70巻(689号),pp. 77-82,2004年
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of Active Support Splint driven by Pneumatic Soft Actuator (ASSIST)
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,16巻(5号),pp. 497-503,2004年
- 則次俊郎,井形俊也,高岩昌弘,佐々木大輔
日本機械学会論文集(C編),71巻(703号),pp. 951-958,2005年
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of Pneumatic Power Assist Splint "ASSIST" Operated by Human Intention
ournal of Robotics and Mechatronics,17巻(5号),pp. 568-574,2005年
- 佐々木大輔,則次俊郎,山本裕司,高岩昌弘
- 高岩昌弘,則次俊郎,正子洋二,佐々木大輔
- Toshiro Noritsugu,Daisuke Sasaki,Masafumi Kameda,Atsushi Fukunaga,Masahiro Takaiwa
Wearable Power Assist Device for Standing Up Motion Using Pneumatic Rubber Artificial Muscles
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,19巻(6号),pp. 619-628,2007年
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Wearable Master-Slave Training Device for Lower Limb Constructed with Pneumatic Rubber Artificial Muscles
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,20巻(3号),pp. 466-472,2008
- 荒金正哉,則次俊郎,高岩昌弘,佐々木大輔,猶本真司
- Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa,Daisuke Sasaki
Development of Power Assist Wear Using Pneumatic Rubber Artificial Muscles
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,21巻(5号),pp. 607-613,2009
- 佐々木大輔,則次俊郎,高岩昌弘,中西克文,丸田紘史
- Yoko Kadowaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa,Daisuke Sasaki,Machiko Kato
Development of Soft Power-Assist Glove and Control Based on Human Intent
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,23巻(2号),pp. 281-291,2011
- Masahiro Takaiwa,Toshiro Noritsugu,Norimichi Ito,Daisuke Sasaki
Wrist rehabilitation device using pneumatic parallel Manipulator based on EMG singnal
International Journal of Automation Technology,5巻(4号),pp. 472-477,2011
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development and Application of High Contractile Pneumatic Artificial Muscle
International Journal of Automation Technology,5巻(4号),pp. 531-537,2011
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of High Contractile Pneumatic Artificial Rubber Muscle for Power Assist Device
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,24巻(1号),pp. 150-157,2012
- 高岩昌弘,則次俊郎,佐々木大輔
空気式パラレルマニピュレータを用いた手首リハビリテーション ~筋電位信号に基づく訓練動作の提案~
日本フルードパワーシステム学会論文集,43巻(3号),pp. 85-91,2012
- 趙子磊,高岩昌弘,則次俊郎,佐々木大輔
空気圧駆動型4脚移動ロボットの開発 (第1 報 外乱オブザーバの導入によるモーションコントロール)
日本フルードパワーシステム学会論文集,43巻(5号),pp. 128-134,2012
- Tatsuyuki Iwawaki,Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of Portable Energy-Saving Type Air Supply System –1st Report Effect of Variable Volume Tank –
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,24巻(3号),pp. 464-471,2012
- 小西秀和,則次俊郎,高岩昌弘,佐々木大輔
計測自動制御学会論文集,49巻(1号),pp. 59-65,2013
- 佐々木大輔,則次俊郎,高岩昌弘
計測自動制御学会論文集,49巻(1号),pp. 166-175,2013年
- 佐々木大輔,則次俊郎,高岩昌弘,岩脇辰侑
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa,Hidekazu Konishi
Control Method Based on EMG for Power Assist Glove Using Self-Organizing Maps
International Journal of Automation Technology,8巻(2号),pp. 177-185,2014年
- Masahiro Takaiwa,Toshiro Noritsugu,Daisuke Sasaki,Takahiro Nogami
Fingertip Force Displaying Device Using Pneumatic Negative Pressure
International Journal of Automation Technology,8巻(2号),pp. 208-215,2014年
- 佐々木大輔,高岩昌弘,瀧翔太
—第2報 空気圧エネルギーの推定と空気圧供給システムの制御—
- 八瀬快人,佐々木大輔,高岩昌弘
計測自動制御学会論文集,54巻(1号),pp. 69-75,2018
- 竹村洸,佐々木大輔,横山和也,菊谷功
計測自動制御学会論文集,54巻(1号),pp. 76-83,2018
- 井上豊,佐々木大輔,高岩昌弘
計測自動制御学会論文集,54巻(1号),pp. 118-125,2018
- Toshiro Noritsugu,Daisuke Sasaki, Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of Soft Robot Hand Driven with Rotary-type Soft Pneumatic Actuator
Proceedings of 2002 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation,Vol.2, pp. 787-790,2002
- Toshiro Noritsugu,Daisuke Sasaki, Masahiro Takaiwa
Application of Pneumatic Soft Mechanism to a Human Friendly Robot
Proceedings of the Fifth JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power Nara 2002,Vol.1,pp. 61-66, 2002
- Toshiro Noritsugu,Daisuke Sasaki, Masahiro Takaiwa
Application of Artificial Pneumatic Rubber Muscles to a Human Friendly Robot
Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2003),pp. 2188-2193,2003
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa,Hiroshi Yamamoto
Wearable Power Assist Device for Hand Grasping Using Pneumatic Artificial Rubber Muscle
Proceedings of 13th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2004),6頁,2004
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of Active Support Splint driven by Pneumatic Soft Actuator (ASSIST)
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM'04),pp. 468-473 ,2004
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of Wearable Power Assist Device constructed with Pneumatic Artificial Rubber Muscle
Proceedings of 1st IEEE Technical Exhibition Based Conference on Robotics and Automation (TExCRA2004),2頁,2004
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of Active Support Splint driven by Pneumatic Soft Actuator (ASSIST)
Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2005),pp.522-527,2005
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa,Yusuke Kataoka
Development of Pneumatic Wearable Power Assist Device for Human Arm "ASSIST"
Proceedings of the 6th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power Tsukuba 2005,pp. 202-207,2005
- Hirofumi Maruta,Toshiro Noritsugu,Daisuke Sasaki,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of Wearable Masterslave Training Device Constructed with Pneumatic Rubber Muscles
Proceedings of 2007 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science,pp. 424-429,2007
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Wearable Master-Slave Training Device for Lower Limb constructed with Pneumatic Rubber Artificial Muscles
Proceedings of 7th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power TOYAMA2008,pp. 493-498,2008
- Yuji Maeda,Toshiro Noritsugu,Daisuke Sasaki,Kazukiyo Takano,Takemitsu Okamoto,Seiji Sato
Development of Small-Size Air Pump using Balloon Vibrator for Wearable Devices
Proceedings of 7th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power TOYAMA2008,pp. 737-742,2008
- Masaya Aragane,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa,Daisuke Sasaki
Power Assist Wear for Upper Limb driven by Sheet-Like Pneumatic Rubber Muscle
Proceedings of 7th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power TOYAMA2008,pp. 787-792,2008
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu
Development of Wearable Master-Slave Training Device Constructed with Pneumatic Rubber Muscles
Proceedings of 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2009),pp. 91-96,2009
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of High Contractile Pneumatic Artificial Rubber Muscle for Power Assist Device
Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 2010 (ICAM2010),pp. 774-779,2010
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of Wearable Master-slave Training Device for Upper Limb Constructed with Pneumatic Artificial Muscles
Proceedings of the 8th JFPS international Symposium on Fluid Power Okinawa2011,pp. 58-63,2011
- Tatsuyuki Iwawaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Daisuke Sasaki,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of Portable Energy-saving Type Air Supply System Using Variable Volume Tank
Proceedings of the 8th JFPS international Symposium on Fluid Power Okinawa2011,pp. 665-670,2011
- Masahiro Takaiwa,Toshiro Noritsugu,Daisuke Sasaki
Wrist rehabilitation using pneumatic parallel manipulator -EMG based training and fatigue evaluation-
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements, and Visualization (FLUCOME2011),7頁,2011
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Application of High Contractile Pneumatic Artificial Muscle
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements, and Visualization (FLUCOME2011),6頁,2011
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of Pneumatic Lower Limb Power Assist Wear without Exoskeleton
Proceedings of 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012),pp. 1239-1244,2012
- Daisuke Sasaki,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of Pneumatic Lower Limb Power Assist Wear driven with Wearable Air Supply System
Proceedings of 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2013),pp. 4440-4445,2013
- Takashi Kameyama,Toshiro Noritsugu,Masahiro Takaiwa,Daisuke Sasaki
Development of Power Assist Wear for Upper Limb Using Pneumatic Soft Actuator
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements, and Visualization(FLUCOME2013), 9頁,2013
- Masahiro Takaiwa,Toshiro Noritsugu,Daisuke Sasaki
Training Simulator for P.T. in Wrist Rehabilitation using Pneumatic Parallel Manipulator
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements, and Visualization(FLUCOME2013),8頁,2013
- Daisuke Sasaki,Masahiro Takaiwa
Development of Pneumatic Power Assist Wear to Reduce Physical Burden
Proceedings of 2014 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2014),6頁,2014